Waab Mawusi Ashshakir 

Founder and Guardian Director

Sunu Mawusi Ashshakir is Founding Director of The Mothership Institute and The Body Temple Institute of Wholistic Health. A 20 year Traditional Midwife trained by Dr. Nana Siti Opio a Grand Midwife and Naturopathic Doctor. Today Waab Mawusi is a Traditional Indigenous Midwife and Naturopathic Physician (initiated Iya Abiye, Waab, and Sunu ReRet) Traditional Natropathic Physician (Waab), Master Herbalist, Master Kemetic Reiki Practitioner (Seba) and Initiated Kemetic Yoga Instructor (Basu). She crafted The Mothership Institute of Womb Wellness and Wholistic Health with the aspiration to pass on the knowledge she has amassed onto the next generation of healers.

Waab Montu Negus Ra Ashshakir

Chief Financial Officer 

Aramenta Madzimoyo

Executive Marketing Director 

Aramenta Ashshakir, WBD, 

Executive Administrative Assistant